The Frogpot Logo

The frogpot is a very old tale: a frog is placed in a pot of cool water. It doesn't notice that the water is being very slowly heated, until, too late! Boiled frog!

You and I are the frog. Our liberties are slowly, incrementally, being eroded - but so slowly, so incrementally, that we often don't notice. Our lives are full, we are busy, and many of us take our liberties for granted anyway. So, slowly, incrementally, the erosion of liberty continues, as we keep getting new mandates, new regulations, new taxes and, overall, "new normals".

For a similiar incremental strategy aimed at dividing and conquering those who dissent from a particular political ideology, check out this brief description on Wikipedia: "Salami slicing tactic (politics)".

The metaphor of the frogpot points to an old saying: "You never know the worth of water until the well is dry". The time to fight for our liberty is while we still have enough freedom to put up a fight - before government creates another Disinformation Governance Board, labels our protests as disinformation and/or hate speech, decrees that we are Enemies of the State and prohibits us or jails us for speaking out against their unscientific, costly, political narratives.

But what can one person do??? We can use the leverage of the internet to fight against one of the most insidious and costly political scams of our lifetime: human-caused climate change. How? By watching the movie linked below, then persuading at least two others to do the same. Ask at least two others to watch the movie and each of those two, in turn, to ask at least two others to watch it.

Here's a link to the movie: Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth.